My View on the Terrorist Act on American Soil

Typically I am not very very political or for the miltarty. I value everyone's right to believe what they must and hopefully act logically on what they believe.

I often understand the actions of the American government and how it can differ from the American people. I am aware of the world view of the US whether be good or ill. Some of it warranted and some not.

I try to understand the hate that some groups and countries felt about the US foriegn policy, but never imagined that their hate runs deep enough to carry out the unspeakable horror of September 11, 2001.

As an American I understand that we are neither a utopian society nor one that has resolved it's own issues. We are still resolving our hates and fears. We are resolving our own contridictions of good and evil, but it ours to resolve. We are imperfect, who isn't.

A group has taken it upon themselves to say that we do not have the right to be us. NO! That is unacceptable. The groups have said that we should mind our own business. 20,000 people were minding their own business on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 (in fact a nation had it's attention on many matters) and now over 6,000 are dead. Children are dead. Women are dead. Husbands are dead. Wives are dead. People suddenly widowed and children orphaned. No one deserved that.

Now our is attention is on you, whoever you are. If you want to be invisible, I think you need to find new ways to hide.

Now is the time to put aside ALL of our divisons and protectfor the right to have them later.

Our country oppresses. Our country divides itself, but American gives itself the right to do that and now it's being threatened. The right to hate the military is being threatened. The right to speak as an individual is being threaten. The right to say what you want when you want to whom ever is being threatened. An action has to be taken. An action that has affected a nation. An action that has let the world know that none of us are truly safe, no matter what the nationality.

I have never really had these thoughts before. I have never wanted the USA to go and "get" some group or someone or some country, but to bring destruction where I live not acceptable. If we do nothing, if we are complacent, like so many countries think we are, then it will happen again. It willcome to your door step. It willcome to your chruch, your child's school and innocence will die.

I pray that not one shot is fired, no blood is shed, no country is invaded, but that does not look seem like a realistic view.

What is to come scares me. I am going to loose friends and so will you. I am going to loose family and the kids I work with will loose the same. I will loose a sense of security, because no one knows what is to come. What dangers threathen us. Will this be contained outside our borders or will come at regardless of shorelines and land. If we stick together the hard times won't be so hard. If we stick together something good can come out of something so terrifying and frieghtening.

Ok,if you read this congradualtions. This is me spewing feeling and thoughts. out at a moment. I will be giving my insight on specific things and you can always e-mail me with your view point of things. The world was always a delicate and complex place, but it just got a WHOLE LOT scarier.

So, now that you've peaked inside Reggie's mind, keep Exploring the site.

